Well, here's the nail in "Douchebag's" metaphorical coffin. He's had two days . . . and notice that not ONCE did he say my friend's findings were invalid. (Sorry, now it's too late, dullard, you're buried.) Certainly one would imagine that his first response would have been to claim my friend didn't know anything about him, that he couldn't be more wrong, yada, yada, yada. But no . . . "Douchebag" immediately went to "attack" mode against me. In short, this is the proof that my friend's findings were TOO accurate for "Douchebag's" comfort, and he would just as soon ignore them. Face it, clod, you lost this a long time ago. All I did this time was spike the ball! LOL And not even his lover "QUEER Hornet" can challenge that fact.
are you kidding jQuery110208079501424316646_1395259252198? this is your not a friend... how much an hour do you pay him for couch maybe he's gay and you two are are and always will be an inbred moron and as someone suggested you are a hiding behind a computer keyboard...
are you kidding jQuery110208079501424316646_1395259252198? this nut doctor is your nut doctor not a friend... how much an hour do you pay him for couch maybe he's gay and you two are are and always will be an inbred moron and as someone suggested you are a hiding behind a computer keyboard...
are you kidding jQuery110208079501424316646_1395259252198? this nut doctor is your nut doctor not a friend... how much an hour do you pay him for couch maybe he's gay and you two are are and always will be an inbred moron and as someone suggested you are a pussy hiding behind a computer keyboard...
He then went on to say that if you WERE an adult, "douchebag," than you are a person with a lot of repressed anger. You clearly are not happy with your life and you exhibit strong evidence of professional and social dissatisfaction. He finally concluded that you are clearly fixated on h0m0sexuality and h0m0sexual sex; evidencing either your preoccupation with the subject or, at a minimum, discomfort with your own sexual identity. Finally, he made the observation that you tend to believe the world reflects your own attitudes and attributes. Wow, dude, you're a mess! LOL
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for everywone ho likes a larger women