My Wife The Nurse

Posted by: Anna

Apr 24, 2015

Always had a thing for nurses so brought her a oufit, sorry no face, but ill trade photos the rest of these are hardcore

Recent Comments for My Wife The Nurse (33)
  • Wow! So sexy girl in her pantie shots!
  • I've got a few nurse-themed pics of my wife as well! We'd love to trade some... vwkitten123@
  • lovely... stephenjones892@ would love to trade photos...
  • This is a nice start. Now, please follow it up with the strip.
  • looks very promising, we love to share. stevetamiswing@
  • I'd like to do an physical exam.... of her! off with the panties... ;)
  • Keep posting guys and lets see her playing doctors and nurses!!! I can volunteer to be a doctor if she needs one!!! Keep the ball rolling and we will cum back to comment!!!
  • cheers mate i noticed that
  • It's so funny that the guys protesting the most that she didn't show more have never posted ANY pictures themselves! Of course, that little "you actually have to get a woman before you can take pictures of her" thing probably is too high a hurdle for l0sers like that to overcome.
  • No
  • voted SUPERB! I would love to trade pictures with you denno68@
  • I want those panties! Panty_lover69@
  • Fair start to a possible "Naughty Nurse" series but don't forget some dipwads here want the gynecologist's view right away. mind you they probably don't know what forplay is either.


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